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英语常用交际用语 、英语常用交际用语对话

   日期:2023-04-22     浏览:51    评论:0    
核心提示:常用英语口语交际用语 A 1、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的! 2、All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。 3、Are



1、Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能的!

2、All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。

3、Are you free tomorrow?你明天有空吗?

4、Are you used to the food here?你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗?


1、Be careful.小心、注意。

2、Be my guest.请便、别客气。

3、Better late than never.迟到总比不做好。

4、Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。

5、Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。


1、Can I have a d*** off?我能请一天假吗?

2、Can I help?要我帮忙吗?

3、Can I take a message?要我传话吗?

4、Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?

5、Can I take your order?您要点菜吗?

6、Can you give me a wake-up call?你能打电话叫醒我吗?

7、Can you give me some feedback?你能给我一些建议吗?

8、Can you make it?你能来吗?

9、Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?

10、Catch me later.过会儿再来找我。

11、Cheer up!高兴起来!振作起来!

12、Come in and make yourself at home.请进,别客气。

13、Could I have the bill,please?请把账单给我好吗?

14、Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?

15、Could you speak slower?你能说得慢一点

16、Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗?


1、Did you enjoy your flight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

2、Did you have a good d*** tod***?你今天过得好吗?

3、Did you have a nice holid***?你假期过得愉快吗?

4、Did you have fun?你玩得开心吗?

5、Dinner is on me.晚饭我请客。

6、Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗?

7、Do you have any ho***ies?你有什么爱好吗?

8、Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?

9、Do you mind my ***oking?你介意我抽烟吗?

10、Do you often work out?你经常锻炼身体吗?

11、Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?

12、Don’t be so modest.别这么谦虚。

13、Don’t bother.不用麻烦了。

14、Don’t get me wrong.别误会我。

15、Don’t give up.别放弃。

16、Don’t jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论。

17、Don’t let me down.别让我失望。

18、Don’t make any mistakes.别出差错。

19、Don’t mention it.不必客气。

20、Don’t miss the boat.不要坐失良机。

21、Don’t take any chances.不要心存侥幸。

22、Don’t take it for granted.不要想当然。

23、Don’t worry about it.别担心。


1、Easy come,easy go.来得容易,去得快。

2、Enjoy your meal.请慢慢享用吧。

3、Easier said than done.说明容易做时难。


1、First come,first served.捷足先登。

2、For here or to go?在这儿吃还是带走?

3、Forget it.算了吧。

4、Forgive me.请原谅我。


1、Give me a call.给我打电话。

2、Give my best to your family.代表向你们全家问好。


1、Have him return my call.让他给我回电话。

2、Have you ever been to China?你去过中国吗?

3、Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?

4、Have you got anything larger?有大一点儿的吗?

5、Have you got that?你明白我的意思吗?

6、Have you heard from Mary?你收到玛丽的来信吗?

7、He is in conference.他正在开会。

8、Help yourself,please.请自己用。

9、Hold your horses.耐心点儿。

10、How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?

11、How do I look?我看上去怎么样?

12、How is it going?情况怎么样?

13、How late are you open?你们营业到几点?

14、How long did it last?持续了多久?

15、How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要多长时间?

16、How much is it?多少钱?

17、How often do you eat out?你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?


1、I apologize.我很抱歉。

2、I appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。

3、I assure you.我向你保证。

4、I bet you can.我确信你能做到。

5、I can manage.我自己可以应付。

6、I can’t afford it.我买不起。

7、I can’t believe it.我简直不敢相信。

8、I can’t resist the temptation.我不能抵挡诱惑。

9、I can’t stand it.我受不了。

10、I can’t tell.我说不准。

11、I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。

12、I couldn’t get through.打不通电话。

13、I couldn’t help it.我没有办法。

14、I didn’t mean to.我不是故意的。

15、I don’t know for sure.我不能肯定。

16、I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴。

17、I enjoyed it very much.我非常喜欢。

18、I envy you.我羡慕你。

19、I feel like having some dumplings.我很想吃饼子。

20、I feel terrible about it.太对不起了。

21、I feel the same w***.我也有同感。

22、I have a complaint.我要投诉。

23、I have nothing to do with it.那与我无关。

24、I haven’t the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道。

25、I hope you’ll forgive me.我希望你能原谅我。

26、I know the feeling.我知道那种感觉。

27、I mean what I s***.我说话算数。

28、I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。

29、I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。

30、I suppose so.我想是这样。

31、I thought so,too.我也这样以为。

32、I understand completely.我完全明白。

33、I want to report a theft.我要报一宗盗窃案。

34、I want to reserve a room.我想预订一个房间。

35、I was just about to call you.我正准备打电话给你。

36、I was moved.=I was touched.我很受感动。

37、I wasn’t aware of that.我没有意识到。

38、I wasn’t born yesterd***.我又不是三岁小孩。

39、I wish I could.但愿我能。

40、I wouldn’t worry about it,if I were you.如果我是你,我就不会担心。

41、I’d like a refund.我想要退款。

42、I’d like to deposit some money.我想存点儿钱。

43、I’d like to make a reservation.我想订票。

44、I’ll be right with you.我马上就来。

45、I’ll check it.我去查一下。

46、I’ll do my best.我将会尽我***努力。

47、I’ll get it.我去接电话。

48、I’ll give you a hand.我来帮助你。

49、I’ll have to see about that.这事儿我得想一想再定。

50、I’ll keep my eyes open.我会留意的。

51、I’ll keep that in mind.我会记住的。

52、I’ll pick up the tab.我来付帐。

53、I’ll pl*** it by ear.我将随兴而定。

54、I’ll see what I can do.我看一看能怎么办。

55、I’ll show you.我指给你看。

56、I’ll take care of it.我来办这件事。

57、I’ll take it.我要了。

58、I’ll take your advice.我接受你的忠告。

59、I’ll think it over.我仔细考虑一下。

60、I’ll treat you to diner.我想请你吃晚饭。

61、I’ll walk you to the door.我送你到门口。

62、I’m broke.我身无分文。

63、I’m crazy bout English.我非常喜欢英语。

64、I’m easy to please.我很随和。

65、I’m glad to hear that.听到这消息我很高兴。

66、I’m glad you enjoyed it.你喜欢我就高兴。

67、I’m good at it.我做这个很在行。

68、I’m in a good mood.我现在心情很好。

69、I’m in good shape.我的身体状况很好。

70、I’m just having a look.我只是随便看看。

71、I’m looking for a part-time job.我正在找***工作。

72、I’m looking forward to it.我盼望着这件事。

73、I’m lost.我给搞糊涂了。

74、I’m not feeling well.我感觉不舒服。

75、I’m not myself tod***.我今天心神不宁。

76、I’m not really sure.我不太清楚。


In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for!


Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won’t upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not tooffendor hurt the other person’s feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have adetrimentaleffect on business dealings.


The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don’t want to c***se offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British w*** of doing business is often admired.


In this post, I’d like to share with your some common expressions we have of giving one’s opinion. I have used Liz Potter’s excellent article for Macmillan Dictionary’s blog as the main structure and made some changes to it.

在这篇文章中,我想分享一些在表达意见时会用到的常用词组。我用Liz Potter为麦克米伦字典的博客写的一篇优秀文章作为主要结构,并做了一些改动。


1. I think

This is the most common and general w*** of giving an opinion. You can use it both informally and formally

I think if you offer aconsistentlygood service to your clients, they will keep coming back to you.

1.I think这是最常用、最普遍的表达意见的方式。正式和非正式情况下都可以使用。我认为如果你给客户提供始终如一的优质服务,他们会一直选择你们的服务。

2.I reckon

This is a more informal w*** of giving your opinion:

I reckon it will be much faster to get to London by train.

2.I reckon一种更加非正式的表达意见的方式我认为坐火车去伦敦会更快。

3. In my opinion (4) In my view:

These expressions are more formal and are often used when talking about important issues

In my view, they made a huge mistake in not selling the company when they had the chance.

In my opinion, the Bank of England should not raise interest rates this year.

3.In my opinion (4) In my view:这两个表达更加正式,并且通常在谈论重要问题时使用。在我看来,当他们有机会卖掉公司时却不卖是个重大的错误。在我看来,英国银行今年不应该增加利息。

5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:

When you’ve thought about a situation carefully you could use either of these two expressions.

It seems to me that they are spending more money than they need to to attract new talent into the company.

All things considered, I think we made a wise choice inrecruitingJames.

5. It seems to me (6) All things considered:当你已经仔细考虑过一种情形时,你可以使用两种表达中任意一种:在我看来,在为公司引进新人才时,他们的花费比实际需求多很多。总的来看,我认为招聘詹姆斯是一个明智的选择。

7. If you ask me

This is used when your opinion is critical. Sometimes, people s*** this even when their opinion hasn’t been asked for! – “If you ask me,…..” “But I didn’t ask you….!”

If you ask me, she has spoilt her children far too much.

7. If you ask me 当你的.意见带有批评性质的时候使用这种表达。有时,人们甚至会在没有被询问意见的时候使用这个短语!-“依我看…”“但是我没有问你…”!依我看,她太过溺爱她的孩子了。

8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank

All three expressions are a w*** of giving your opinion when you know that people m*** not like what you have to s***

To tell you the truth, your father was right when he said that youundersoldthe company.

To be honest, I preferred it when you were blonde.

To be frank, I thought her acting was simply terrible.

8. To be honest (9) To tell you the truth (10) To be frank





11. Frankly speaking

You would use this expression to give your opinion in a more familiar andforthrightw***.

Frankly speaking, I don’t know what she sees in him.

11. Frankly speaking这是一种更亲近和直率的表达意见的方式。坦白地说,我不知道她看上他哪一点。

12. Personally

This is used to emphasize that you are giving your own opinion

Personally, I think the CEO should apologize for his appalling behaviour at the shareholders’ meeting.

12. Personally这个短语通常用来强调你标的的只是个人意见。就我而言,我认为总裁应该为他在董事会的恶劣行为道歉。

13. To my mind (14) As far as I’m concerned

When you realise that other people m*** not agree with you you would use either of these expressions:

To my mind, private education is better than state education.

As far as I’m concerned, tennis is a much more interesting sport than football.

13. To my mind (14) As far as I’m concerned


So there you have it! You have 14 w***s to give your opinion in English. Which expressions are you likely to use?



1.问候 Greetings

(1)Good morning(afternoon,evening)早上好(或:下午、晚上)好



--How are you?你好吗

--Fine,thank you,and you?(very well,thank you.)好,谢谢,你也好吧?或:很好,谢谢你

(2)Best wishes(regards) to ***.问候汤姆好

Please give my regards(best wishes,love) to Tom.请代我向汤姆致以问候

Please remember me to Tom.请代我向汤姆问候

S*** hello to Tom.向汤姆问好

(3)Glad(Pleased) to meet you here(again).很高兴在这里(或:又)见到你

2.介绍 Introductions

(1)This is Mr(Mrs,Miss,Ms) Green.这位是格林先生(或:夫人、***、女士)

This is Comrade Li Ning. 这位是李宁同志

M*** I introduce you to my friends?我来把您介绍给我的好朋友好吗?

I'd like you to meet Mr Green.我想请您见见格林先生

(2)--How do you do?(初次见面时用)您好

--How do you do?您好

Nice(Glad,Pleased) to meet(see) you.见到您我很高兴

Nice meeting you,Mr Green.(多用于分手时)格林先生,我真高兴能认识您

(3)My name is Li Ning.我名叫李宁

I'm a teacher.我是老师

I'm Chinese.我是中国人

Excuse me,what's your (full) name,please?请问你贵姓(您尊姓大名)

(4)I have often heard about you.我常常听人谈起你

I have often wanted to meet you.我一直想认识你

Excuse my introducting myself.恕我冒昧地自我介绍一下

Do you know my father?你认识我父亲吗?

I don't think you have met my father.我想你还没有见过我父亲吧

Allow(let) me introduce Mr Green to you.请允许(或让)我给你介绍一下格林先生

3.告别 Farewells

(1)I'm afraid I must be leaving(must be off,have to go) now.恐怕我得走了

I think it's time for us to leave now.我想我们该走了

It's time I met Tom(did my homework). I have to go now.(注意从句要用虚拟语气)我该去见汤姆(或:去做作业了).现在我得走了


See you later(tomorrow).回头见(或:明天见)

See you.回见

Good night.晚安.再见

4.感谢和应答 Thanks and responses

(1)Thank you (very much).(非常)感谢

Thanks a lot.多谢

Many thanks.多谢

Thanks(Thank you) for listenting.谢谢(收听)

It's very kind of you (to help me).您真是太好了(帮了我的忙)

(2)Not at all.不用谢.不客气

It's(That's) all right.没关系

You are wellcome.不用谢

(3)It's most thoughtful of you.你真是想得太周到了

I don't know how I can thank you enough.我不知怎样谢你才好

I don't knoe what I should have done without your help.没有你的帮助我真不知道怎么办

Thank you all the same.仍然要谢谢你

5.祝愿、祝贺和应答 Good wishes,congratulations and responese

(1)Good luck!祝你好运

I wish you good luck(success)!祝你好运(或:成功)

Good journey (to you)!旅途愉快

Have a good trip.旅途愉快

Have a nice(good) time.祝你玩得高兴

I'd like to congratulate you on your success.祝贺你的成功

(2)Thank you.谢谢

The same to you.也祝贺你

(3)Happy New Year!新年好!新年快乐

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐

Happy birthd*** to you.祝你生日快乐


6.道歉、遗憾和应答 Apologies,regrets,sympathies and responses


Sorry(I'm sorry).对不起

I'm sorry for(about) that.我为此感到抱歉(或:难过、遗憾等)

I'm sorry to hear that.听到这个我很难过(遗憾等)

I'm sorry to have(I'm sorry that I have) kept you waiting fou a long time.抱歉让你久等了

(2)Excuse me(for having kept you waiting fou a long time).请原谅(让你久等了)

I'm afraid (that) I'll be late.恐怕我要迟到了

What a pity!真可惜!真是遗憾

What a shame!真丢脸

It's a pity that you can't come.你不能来真是遗憾

(3)That's all right.没关系

It doesn't matter.不要紧

That's nothing.没有什么

(4)It was most thoughtless of me.我太卤莽了

I must apologize.我得向你道歉

I really didn't mean that at all.我真的完全没有那个意思

(5)Don't worry about that.不要为那事觉得不安

It really isn't worth mentioning.那真是不值得一提的

Don't think any more about it.别再去想它了

I quite understand.我完全理解

7.邀请和应答 Invitations and responses

(1)Will you come to my birthd*** party?您能来参加我的生日聚会吗

Would you like to come to my birthd*** party?您愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗

I'd like to invite you to come to my birthd*** party.我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会

(2)Yes,I'd love to (go to your birthd*** party).好吗,我非常愿意(去参加你的生日聚会)

Yes,I'd love to,but I'm too busy to go.是的,我非常想参加,但是我太忙了,去不了

Yes,i's very kind(nice) of you.愿意.承蒙你的好意.或:你真是太好了

(3)I'd very much like you to join us.我非常希望您能加入我们之中

Shall we have a drink?我们喝点东西好吗

(4)That would be very nice.那太好了

With pleasure.好的

8.提供(帮助等)和应答 Offers and responses

(1)Can(Could,Shall) I help you?我来帮你好吗?或:你要买什么

Would you like me to help you with your lessons?我来帮你做功课好吗

Is there anything (else) I can do for you?有什么(别的)事我能帮你做吗

Do you want me to help you?你想要我帮你吗

What can I do for you?我能为你做什么呢

Let me do it(carry it)(for you).让我来(替你)做(或:搬)吧

Would you like some tea?你想来些茶吗

(2)Thanks.That would be nice(fine).谢谢.太好了

That's very kind of you.你真好

Thank you for your help.感谢你的帮助


Here,take this(my) bag.给,请帮忙拿这个(或:我的)包好吗

(3)No,thanks(thank you).I can manage it myself.不必了,谢谢.我自己能应付

Thank you all the same.(尽管无需你帮忙,但)还是要谢谢你

That's very kind of you,but I can manage it myself.你真好,但我自己能应付

(4)What a hand (to carry it)?要帮忙(拿)吗

(5)Just what I needed!我正需要呢!

That's be a big help.Thanks a lot.那真帮了大忙了,多谢

9.约会 Making appointments

(1)Are you(Will you be,Do you happen to be) free this afternoon(tomorrow)?今天下午(或:明天)你有空吗

How about tomorrow morning(afternoon,evening)?明天早上(或:下午、晚上)怎么样

Shall we meet at 4:30 at the school gate?我们4:30在校门口见好吗

(2)Yes,that's all right.行,可以

Yes,I'll be free then.行,到时候我有空

All right,see you then.好吧,到时候见

(3)No,I won't be free then.But I'll be free the next d***.不行,那会儿我没空,但是第二天我有空

(4)Have you got anything to do tomorrow?你明天有事吗?

(At) what time can I see you?我什么时候可以看你

M*** I expect you at four?我四点钟等你好吗

Up to what time shall you be free?那什么时候你才有空

Shall I call for you or will you come for me?是我来叫你呢?还是你来约我

Wouldn't it be better to come a little later?晚一点儿来不是更好吗

Shall I let you know later?我以后告诉你好吗

Look here;I'll tell you what;you drop me a card this evening and tell me exactly what you've made up your mind to do.听着;就这么办吧;今天晚上你送一张卡片给我,告诉我你到底决定怎么做

(5)Try to come earlier,if you can.如果能够的话,尽量早一些来

I'll look out for you (at) about three.我三点钟左右等你

If you are prevented from coming,will you let me know?如果你不能来,请告诉我一声好吗

Do try to come.一定想办法来吧

Let's make it 8 o'clock.我们约定八点吧

Let's meet at the school gate.我们在校门口见面吧

That'll be fine.Thank you.那好,谢谢

10.意愿和希望 Intentions and wishes

(1)I'm going to start next week.我打算下周出发

I inten(mean,plan) to start next week.我意欲(或:想要、计划)下周出发

I will do it myself.我要亲自干

I feel like going out for a walk.我想要出去散散步

I'd like to go out for a walk.我想要出去散散步

I (don't) want(hope) to go with you.我(不)愿意(或:希望)和你一起去

I'm ready to go with you.我愿意同你一起去

I would rather not tell you.我真不愿意告诉你

(2)I want(hope,wish) to go with you.我想要(或:希望)和你一起去

I wish that you would go with me.(从句要用虚拟语气)我希望你和我一起去

I would do it if I should have the chance.我若有机会,一定不放过

I would like to go with you.我想和你一块儿去

If only I could see him.(要用虚拟语气)要是我能见上他就好了

11.请求、允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses

(1)M*** I use your bike?我可以用用你的自行车吗

Can(Could) I use your bike?我能用用你的自行车吗

I wonder if I could use your bike?不知道我能否用用你的自行车

Would(Do) you mind if I open the window?如果我打开窗户,你是否介意(注意答语:"同意打开"用"No"或"Not at all"等,表示不介意;"不同意打开"用"Yes",表示介意)


Yes,(do) please.可以,请(便)吧

Of course (you m***).当然(可以)

Go ahead,please.干吧.(或:说吧.走吧.)

That's OK(All right).那行

Not at all.一点儿也不

(3)I'm sorry,you can't.抱歉,不行

I'm sorry,but you can use my bike tomorrow.抱歉,但明天你可以用我的自行车

You'd better not.你***别这样

(4)You can take that,if you like.可以给你那个,如果你想要的话

Take it,by all means.拿去吧,完全没有问题

Take it,do.拿吧,拿去吧

12.同意和不同意 Agreement and disagreement

(1)Certainly(Sure,Of course).当然可以

No problem.没问题


Yes,I think so.对,我认为是这样

That's ture.是真的.或:确实是这样

All right(OK).行,可以

That's a good idea.是个好主意(区别:That's the idea."是这个意思!"或"对啦!")

It's a good idea to swim in summer.夏天游泳是个好主意

It's a good idea that we start at once.我们马上出发是个好主意

I(We) agree (with you).我(或:我们)同意(你的意见)

I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划 (区别:"同意某人"用agree with;"同意某物"用agree to)

I agree to help you.我答应帮你

I agree that this is a good plan.我赞同这是个好计划

(2)No.I don't think so.不,我认为不是这样的

I'm afraid not.恐怕不是的

I'm afraid I (really) can't agree with you.恐怕我(实在)不能同意你的看法

(3)Yes,just so.是的,正是这样

If you s*** so.如果你这么说的话,(那我也同意)

Yes.That's just what I think(was going to s***).对,那正是我所认为的(或:那正是我想说的话)

I believe(guess,hope) so.我相信(或:猜想、希望)是这样的

There's no doubt about it.那是毫无疑问的

(4)I really don't think so.我真的认为不是这样的

I think(believe,hope) not.我认为(或:相信、希望)不是这样的

I don't think you are right there.我认为在这点上你错了

I'm afraid you are mistaken there.恐怕你在这点上弄错了

13.喜好和厌恶 Likes and dislikes

(1)I like(love) English (very much).我(非常)喜欢英语

I like(love) singing.我喜欢(或:热爱唱歌)

I like(love) to sleep late on Sund***s.星期天我喜欢睡懒觉

(2)I don't like(I hate) that man.我不喜欢那人

I don't like(I hate) to trouble you.我不愿打扰你

I don't like asking for help.我不愿求人帮助

(3)It's really wonderful.真是太好了

I've enjoyed it so much.我非常欣赏它




一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

1.- Well done and congratulations to you.

- Thanks very much.

2.- I hope you''ll succeed in everything.

- So do I.

3.- I wish you success.

- Thank you.

4.- We send you our best wishes.

- Thank you very much.

5.- Happy new year !

- Happy new year! (The same to you.)

6.- A merry Christmas to you.

- Thank you.

7.- I hope you''ll have a good time.

- Thank you.

8.- Happy birthd***!

- Thank you.

二、邀请和应答 (Invitations and responses)

1.- Would you like to come to the party?

- Oh yes, thank you.

2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturd***.

- I''m sorry, but I can''t.

3.- Will you go dancing with us?

- Of course. I''ll be glad to.

4.- Will you come to our English Evening?

- Yes, thank you.

5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning?

- OK. When?

6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see


- OK. Thank you very much.

三、表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of d***.

- No, I think it''s open.

2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science.

- I really can''t agree with you. I prefer science.

3.- I think I shall read a book instead.

- Good idea. That''s much better than watching a bad TV Programme.

4.- I don''t think that it''s true. He''s alw***s telling strange stories.

- I know. But this time I can''t decide if he is right or not.

5.- I think Chinese is more popular than any other subject.

- M***be. But I prefer art.

6.- Don''t think in Chinese when you''re speaking English.

- You are quite right.

四、道歉和应答 (Apologies and responses)

1.- Sorry to trouble you.

- That''s all right.

2.- Oh, I am so sorry.

- That''s quite all right.

3.- I''m sorry to give you so much trouble.

- No trouble at all.

4.- I''m soory. I lost the key to your bike.

- It doesn''t matter.

5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.

- It doesn''t matter.

6.- You haven''t paid for it yet.

- Oh, I''m really very sorry.

五、劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions)

1.- The park isn''t far from here. Shall we walk there?

- OK.

2.- You''d better close the windows. It''s cold in the room.

- All right.

3.- If you are not better by then, I''ll take you to see the doctor.

- OK. Thank you very much.

4.- You must look after yourself and keep healthy.

- Yes, I will. Thanks.

5.- The museum is very far from here. Let''catch a bus, shall we?

- OK. Let''s catch a bus.

6.- You must remember the s***ing: Whatever you do, do it well.

- Thank you for your advice.

六、打电话 (Making telephone calls)

1.- Hello!

- Hello, Bill?

- No, this is Sam.

- Hi, Sam. This is Mike. How are you?

2.- Hello.

- Hello. M*** I speak to Mr Green?

3.- No. 5 Middle School.

- Mr Green, please.

- I''m sorry. Mr Green is not in.

- When will he be back?

- about six this afternoon.

- All right. I''ll ring again then.

- Very well.

4.- Hello!

- Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English Dictionary please?

- Sorry! It''s not a very good line. Could you speak more loudly?

- Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

- Sure. I''ll bring it to you tomorrow.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

七、请求允许和应答 (Asking for permission and responses)

1.- Please let me help you.

- No, thanks. I can carry it.

2.- Can I see your licence, please?

- OK.

3.- M*** I call you James?

- Of course, if you wish.

4.- Could I borrow a pen, please?

- Of course. With pleasure.

5.- Excuse me. M*** I use your dictionary?

- Yes, here you are.

6.- M*** I ask you several questions?

- Yes, of course.

八、提供… 和应答 (Offers and responses)

1.- M*** I help you?

- Oh yes, thank you.

2.- Let me help you with the bags.

- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.

3.- Can we help you?

- I want to go to hospital. But I can''t. My leg hurts.

4.- Must I clean the classroom now?

- Oh, you needn''t.

5.- Would you like a cup of tea?

- Yes, please.

6.- What can I do for you?

- I''d like to have an English-English dictionary.

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